Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Proposal?

I got an e-mail a few months ago from a guy that I met at church. I serve on the greeting team, and I e-mailed this gentleman as a follow-up and thanked him for coming to visit for the first time.

His e-mail read: It was really nice to have meet you. You are really pretty, and are probably out of my league. But, I think I could make you happy. I am a simple man. I want to have lots of kids and move to Israel.

While I do appreciate the sentiment, did I just get proposed to in an e-mail?

Gentlemen, I am doing my best not to give advice. But, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it is probably NOT a good idea to propose via e-mail. Just a thought.

Ladies, now its our turn to chime in. What are things that guys should not do when trying to win our hearts?


  1. The e-mail proposal isn't in style? What about the twitter proposal? Or the facebook proposal?? As a non-facebook user you probably don't know the rule that says, a relationship isn't official until it is on facebook.

    All jokes aside, at least he was halfway decent about his words. I've heard similar stories where it seemed like the guy was trying to bully the girl into a commitment...

  2. Wow Simone!

    I would say that pouring your heart out in an email over someone you just meant is a big mistake. A couple years ago a guy I had just meant sent me a (very long) email saying some similar things.
